Tuesday, September 30, 2014

More random thoughts

For a variety of reasons I've decided to post even though for the same variety of reasons nothing much has been accomplished on the home improvement front. It's still pretty warm in these parts and I'm still not fully recovered from my cold ( I HATE colds ) . Working up a good sweat is one thing but having to cough , hawk , spit , and blow your nose every few minutes puts a serious crimp in getting anything prolonged or meaningful accomplished. It also doesn't help that the mosquito population has EXPLODED due to all the recent rain.
Still haven't come up with a design idea or plan for the 2nd part of the front yard revamp. I still think I should make a walkway of some sort from where the walk bends in front and then around the side of the house to our new gate that was installed when the new fence went up. Bought a plastic form like what I used once before to make a walkway in back , and a number of bags of quikrete to mix in the wheelbarrow. Part of what has me dragging my feet is remembering how difficult the concrete work was when I made the concrete  Texas and almost giving in to heatstroke. Don't think I'll do any more of that strenuous stuff unless Twila is nearby to check on me and maybe offer suggestions about how this part will go. I really WANT to get moving on this because I have so many more plans piling up in my head . A pallet boardwalk along the side of the house from the gate to the new shed I hope to construct out of used pallets where the garden is now , moving the garden to along the back fence , which will entail putting all the plants now in the garden into pots until the new garden is ready for them and digging up all the current garden soil into old trash cans for safekeeping until the new plot is ready. Work to do , work to do.
I'm getting to the point where I'm just gonna get after it , and whatever happens , happens. It's not like I can't change it if an idea occurs to me.
I've also been thinking about putting a low wall of some sort around the big oak in front and then filling that " moat " with some red lava rock. I've been looking around the subdivision at what others have done ,and by far the most common effort has been to build a circle of stones 2 high , fill the space with dirt and mulch and plant shade tolerant showy , leafy things. Twila insists that we not plant in this space as she believes neither the tree nor the plants thrive in that type of proximity. I'm thinking about making a small triangle ( just to be different ) out of a few cinder block I have and facing the thing with the red clay tiles currently surrounding the garden. Definitely different IF I can make it work.
Anybody wants to stop by to pitch in or just take a look at what's going on or discuss what COULD happen next - please feel free. Beer and wine available upon request.

I've mentioned before that some of my best ideas have come to me in my dreams. As a truly random thought , in my dream last night I stumbled upon what I thought was a remarkable item. When I was in the Navy from 66 to 72 I spent almost 3 years ( 68 to 71 ) as an electronics technician working in a program called DASH which stands for Dr one Anti-Submarine Helicopter . Yep. I worked on a drone aircraft more than 45 years ago , WAY before it became a cool thing. If I can figure out how to make it happen I'll try to post a picture or two  , which might also show what I looked like back in the day.

Did I mention that my wife left me recently ? For another woman ? I am thrilled beyond words that she has returned from spending this past weekend with our daughter in Boston , who today celebrated her 29th birthday.

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